The program is written in C and requires a C Compiler to run. A free C compiler can be downloaded for Windows and can be installed with the Developer Tools on a Mac. Most Linux builds should include a C Compiler or can have one easily installed. To run the program, open the file and edit the parameters at the top. All explanation regarding the parameters is included at the top of the file. An input file must be included describing the starting population's number of cells with each number of plasmids. For example, a population with 23 cells with 0 plasmids and 12 cells with 5 plasmids would be written as follows: 0 23 5 12 The name of the input file should be included in the parameters at the beginning of the program. To run the program, compile the program and run it from the command line. It will print out the percent completed and will create a document called "averages.txt" that lists the number of plasmids per cell in the left column and the percentage of cells with that number of plasmids in the right column. Arthur Sugden